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           Tipbit #36 - Weak Partner

Getting paired with a weaker RFPBA member can be a helpless feeling. No matter what you do, the point always seems to end on their paddle. The other team quickly notices and begins targeting them. It is a challenging situation, but here are three tips to help you overcome a weaker member and get the win.


        1. Protect Your Partner:
            Keep the ball in front of you by dinking and resetting straight
            ahead. If you leave a ball too high, the attack will likely be
            returned to you instead of going toward your weaker partner. If
            they do attack your partner, it will be a cross-court attack,
            allowing them more time to react.


         2. Stacking: You can stack to allow your partner to play on the
              side where they are more comfortable.  Plus, by stacking with
              you on the left side it enables you to take more of the court with
              your forehand and poach when your partner is targeted.


         3.  Be Aggressive:
               A couple of weeks ago Janet P. and Maureen F. were paired                       
up against Chris K. and myself.  I just knew those two young
women would be targeting me.  When Chris saw I was
continuously targeted, he crept into the middle of the
to provide positional pressure.  He leaned in and
some of their drives and dinks that were headed
               my way. 
This tactic tempted them into more difficult shots by
to hit behind Chris or trying o squeeze the ball to me. 
               Errors began
to come off their paddles.


Chris and I won and Chris said I played great; I didn’t, but it was his tactic of protecting the Weaker Player that carried the game.


                              C’ ya on the Glen Park Courts.  President Lueck

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