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                     Tipbit #21 - The Middle


Finished our Tween & Teen clinic this week and after the clinic was over Maureen, Brent, George and I just could not resist the temptation to play some doubles. George paired up with Maureen and they went on to beat Brent and myself 11-5, with George hitting five untouchable winners right through the middle.


That got me thinking about an idiom I commonly yell out to both my students and RFPBA members. - - - “Down the Middle Solves the Riddle”.  But do you know exactly what that idiom means and why?


Clearly, the meaning is simple. Your best chances, your best odds, your highest percentages for success is to hit the pickleball down the middle. This is the suggested, perhaps most desirable, placement location for almost any shot from most anywhere. It doesn't make any difference if you're hitting a return, a third shot drop, a third shot drive, volleys from the NVZ or even overheads. They all have the best chance for success if they're hit Down the Middle!


But, doesn't going down the middle all the time become predictable and then, a less favorable choice? Sure, but who said anything about always? Most points don't end on the first shot. Many don't end for quite a few shots. Are all those other shots all down the middle? Not likely. They're everywhere. It's just that when you want to go for a winner, your odds on favorite is, “Down the Middle”!


As I stated above, “Down the Middle, Solves the Riddle”. Why is that? At least three solid reasons come to this old mind:

1). Success means, first and foremost, keeping the ball in play and reducing your
     errors. The net is a full 2” lower in the middle and your margin of error laterally is
     10’. So your chances of getting it over and in play are considerably better.

2). There is always the chance the ball will never be touched by your opponents,
      because of the confusion of who will take the ball.

3). There is almost always an opening between your opponents Down the Middle!
      Plus, angle begets angle! So if you go wide and your opponent is able to volley
      your ball they have a greater likelihood of hitting a put away volleyed angle. But,
      if you go down the middle their volley is likely coming back through the middle
      within your reach.


But, that's not the entire focus of this tipbit. Another focus, an equally important maxim, is to "Cover the Middle"!


If it’s true most shots or at least most winning shots will be hit down the middle, it's a must that covering (“Pinch the Middle”) it must be your most important objective on defense. Prior to the serve, discuss with your partner who has “got” the middle once the game begins. This is meant to remind each player of his/her responsibility with regards to the balls in the middle. It should be based on a number of factors that you as a team agree upon beforehand. But, mostly who is most capable of handling/being successful with balls in the middle in your present configuration (side) on the court. Such things as who is the most aggressive, who has the forehand, who is there first, who struck the last ball, and so on. This decision can also be handled by an audible declaration (yours, mine, I got it, go, etc.) of who will take the ball at the precise second when the ball has just been struck by the returning team. And make it loud and clear, so that there is no doubt about it!


But, you've got at least one other issue to deal with. If you're comfortable with all that's needed to Cover the Middle, but you're facing a team with strong and accurate drives, you may be susceptible to their drives down the sideline. If your opponents have already demonstrated this skill, you must do what's necessary to offset their tactic. Further, if they can hit successfully down the sideline, they can surely hit it down the middle. This is a bit of a conundrum. In this case, you must cover as much of the sideline as you feel comfortable doing (leaving them only the smallest of a target), but you must do this with your partner's knowledge so that he/she can Cover the Middle.










As with any good shot you make, you will be putting the percentages on your side, if you go “Down the Middle and Cover the Middle”!

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